Dust encountered at work is very different from the everyday dust you encounter in your home. The dust created by manufacturing or construction operation is toxic to your workers and the machines you use at work sites. For example, dust produced from cutting, sandblasting, and grinding contains silica, a mineral that poses a huge hazard to the human body. Fortunately, there’s something you can do to prevent this. This means you’ll need to implement effective BossTek dust control solutions and help keep your workers and equipment safe. Here is a list of the best practices to put in place when changing your dust control system.
Control the dust from its source
When changing your dust control strategy, capturing as much dust as possible from its source is essential. This process often involves installing machines or a hood through a duct system connected to a dust collector. Also, working with experts helps guide you in establishing the best dust suppression method at your work site. Once you trap the dust from its source you can easily keep it away from the rest of your work site.
Clean the hidden areas often
Most worksite cleaners often overlook some hidden areas that accumulate dust like the ventilation shafts, behind the false ceiling, and on top of the support beams. These areas are usually out of sight and accumulate excess dust that might be hazardous to your workers. Therefore, changing your dust control measures means you’ll reduce dust particles in the worksite, surfaces, and equipment. In turn, your workers will have clean air and the equipment and machinery will run efficiently.
Create a dust-free worksite
A good worksite is always designed to prevent dust build-up. Getting rid of the unused surfaces and reducing the flat surfaces are among the best ways to ensure that the dust doesn’t accumulate. When renovating or retrofitting, you can combine dust-combating designs always to keep dust at bay. With these designs, you will reduce the time your workers spend getting rid of the dust and ensure that they are safe.
Properly maintain your ventilation equipment
It is important to always keep your ventilation systems at your workplace in the best condition to keep the dust away. You will therefore need to establish procedures that ensure all your ventilation systems are inspected and services regularly. The ventilation systems show always maintained according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Understand the causes of dust
To optimally control dust at your worksite, you must understand the materials you are working with and communicate with your employees. Your employees need to understand the dust’s hazards and the risks involved if it accumulates to unwanted levels. This way, everybody at your workplace takes responsibility for keeping the dust levels at optimum levels.
Abide by the regulations
You must follow OSHA’s guidelines and create a working environment free of all recognized substances that might cause death or serious harm to your workers. These include toxic and explosive dust particles. To ensure that you comply with the rules, you should always conduct regular assessments of the manufacturing activities.
When changing your dust control strategy, it is important to implement the best practices in the industry. It is also important to contact an expert to advise on the best dust control system for your work site.